
Movie Library Web App

Open it here.

This web application allows the users to keep a record of all their movies, by organising them into libraries. All the movie information is easily pulled from the Internet Movie Database (IMDB), using the Movie Database (IMDB Alternative) API, without the need for any user manipulation.

Once the user has movies in, these movies can then be searched or listed by movie, genre, actors or directors. There is also a feature that suggests movies to the user, depending on their genre, actor and/or director input.

Log In

Start by signing up for an account and then login.


A library can be created with a specified name, for example: “Want to Watch”.

Add Movie

Once created a library, you can add as many movies as you want by searching (IMDB) for term words.

Once the user has some movies, these can be listed by different criteria, such as movies title/synopsis, actors name, genres and directors name.

Search your lists

At any moment, the search bar can be used to search the user internal lists, using any term words.

This application was built on Ruby on Rails 6.0.0, using Postgresql as the database for Active Record. And it includes the following add-on gems:

CSS add-ons were:

Application was then deployed to Heroku to be available for users.

Heroku deployment instructions:

Create project and set up